Awkward Lies in Golf Part 2

PGA Fellow Professional

Awkward Lies in Golf Part 2

Awkward Lies in Golf Part 2

Awkward Lies in Golf, Part 2 looks at another set of difficult positions found on the golf course.

The hardest thing for a golfer to do is to instantly adjust their set up, stance, ball position at the click of the fingers.

But as the majority of all golf shots are played from uneven ground, this is what is expected of them.

Below are 2 more examples of awkward lies that every golfer faces on a regular basis.


Ball above the feet

This position is the easier of the two.

When faced with this scenario there are a few points to consider.

  • Set up
    The knees should be straighter than normal & the player should stand a little more upright.
    Gripping the club a little shorter is vital, as the ball lies higher than your feet.
    These key points will help compensate for the severity of the slope.
    The player should also aim a little more to the right of the target. (See Swing)
  • Club decision
    This is one of those points that may change due to the severity of the slope.
    The player may find that his/her ball flies further due to the right to left ball flight. It may be a good idea to take less club than needed.
  • Swing
    Due to the players’ posture being a little more upright, the swing plane will be flatter than usual.
    A flatter swing plane will produce a right to left ball flight, therefore the players’ aim should be more to the right of the target.

Awkward Lies in Golf Part 2


Ball below your feet

This position is the harder of the two.

When faced with this scenario there are a few points to consider.

  • Set up
    The knees should be more flexed than normal & the player should lean a little more over the ball.
    Gripping the club at its full length is vital, as the ball lies lower than your feet.
    These key points will help compensate for the severity of the slope.
    The player should also aim a little more to the left of the target. (See Swing)
  • Club decision
    This is one of those points that may change due to the severity of the slope.
    The player may find that his/her ball flies shorter due to the left to right ball flight. It may be a good idea to take more club than needed.
  • Swing
    Due to the players’ posture being a little more stooped, the swing plane will be more upright than usual.
    An upright swing plane will produce a left to right ball flight, therefore the players’ aim should be more to the left of the target.

Awkward Lies in Golf Part 2


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