Golf Stretches

PGA Fellow Professional

Golf Stretches

Golf Stretches

Golf Stretches is a short golf blog post highlighting, what I believe to be, the most important stretches for all golfers.

The most common fault of the majority of golfers is that they do not do any stretching and if they do it is too little.
Stretching plays a very important part in playing golf. A golfer should find the time to stretch if they wish to improve their game. Remember that stretching is not just for the good of your game but for your day to day life.

Stretching will improve your range of motion. It increases your blood flow and will help with your post-golf recovery.
It will help ease the feeling of stiffness or soreness after your round. But it will massively reduce the chance of tearing muscles or tendons, especially in your shoulders, legs and occasionally in your buttocks.

Now, let’s take a look at my favourite Golf Stretches from Head to toe.

Please remember to seek out professional advice before attempting any of the following stretching exercises.

My Full Stretching Routine,

I like to start at the top with my neck and work my way down to my calves.
Before you do any stretching or exercise, you should consult your local GP for their advice.


Neck Stretch – Make sure your back is straight and your head is square over your shoulders. Turn your head to the right and hold the position, whilst breathing, for 10 seconds. Turn your head to the left and hold the position for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Tilt your head forward to rest your chin on your chest hold for 10  seconds. Now tilt your head back and hold for another 10 seconds.

Neck Rolls


Cross-body Shoulder Stretch – Stretch out your right arm and bring it across the body. Bend the left arm at the elbow and hook it underneath the right arm above the right elbow. Use the left arm to pull the right arm into your body and this will stretch the back of the right shoulder. Hold this position for 20 seconds, then repeat the same stretch with the left arm.

Golf Stretches

Shoulder & Arm stretch – Stand up straight and clasp your hands together, out in front of you. Raise your arms above and behind your head as far as they go. Hold this position for 10 seconds and relax.

Golf Stretches


Chest Stretch – Stand with your left side of your body facing a wall and place your left palm onto the wall. Slowly rotate your torso to the right until you feel a stretch in your chest and in your shoulder. Hold the position for 20 seconds and then repeat the same stretch on the other side.


Cat / Camel Stretch – On all fours, make sure that your hands are directly below your shoulders and that your knees are under your hips. Drop your head so that your chin is into your chest. Pull in your abs and round your back and neck. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Now raise your head and arch your back and hold for another 10 seconds.

Golf Stretches


Twisted Torso Stretch – Sit on the floor with your legs crossed (Right leg over left leg) Make sure that the sole of your right shoe is flat to the floor. Support your upper body with your right hand on the floor. Position your left elbow to the right hand side of your right knee. Now slowly twist your torso to the right. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then try the same stretch on the opposite side.


Tricep Stretch – Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your left elbow straight up while bending your arm. Grab the left elbow with your right hand and pull the left elbow back over your shoulder with light pressure. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and then try the same stretch on the other side.

Golf Stretches

Forearms & Finger Stretch – Stretch your arm out in front of you with the palm facing upwards and try to point your fingers towards the floor. Use the other hand to help stretch the fingers and hold the position for 10 seconds. Try the same stretch with the other side.


Hip Stretch – Kneel down on your right knee and make sure that your left foot is flat on the floor. Keep your back straight and move your weight forward until you feel the stretch on the right thigh and hip. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and then relax. Do the same on the opposite side.

Golf Stretches

Butt / Glutes

Piriformis Stretch – Lie down on your back and flex both knees. Cross the right leg over your left leg so that your right ankle sits above your left knee. Now raise the left knee up towards your chest. You will now feel a stretch in your right glute or backside.
Hold this position for 30 seconds and then swap to try the other side.

Single Knee to Chest Stretch – Lie down flat on the floor and bend your left knee. Clasp your hands around the left knee and pull it up to your chest. Hold the position for 20 seconds then relax and try the other side.

Thighs / Quads

Front Thigh Stretch – Stand up straight and put your weight on your left foot. Raise your right foot up behind you and grasp it with both of your hands. Pull the foot up towards your butt until you feel the stretch on your front thigh/quads. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then try the other side.


Calf Stretch against the wall – Stand up and lean against a wall with your toes pointing forward and your arms stretched out. Take a step back with your right foot and keep both soles flat on the floor. Now lean a little more towards the wall by bending your elbows and bend a little in the left knee until you feel the stretch in your right calf. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then relax and try the same stretch on the other side.


Achilles Tendon Stretch – This stretch looks very similar to the calf stretch. This time, from the same position, you want to concentrate on the leg nearest to the wall. Make sure that your left foot is approx. 5 inches away from the wall. Now push the left knee to the wall so that it touches. The left heel should stay flat to the floor when the knee is touching the wall. Now try the other leg and see which one is the weaker side.


You can try any of these Golf Stretches yourself but don’t over do it. Seek Professional guidance first.


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